Vijaygarh jyotish ray college

Affiliated Under University of Calcutta. Registered under 2f & 12B of UGC Act Under Graduate with Post Graduate Courses, Re-Accredited by NAAC (3rd Cycle) (Grade - A); Funded by RUSA; DBT-BOOST, Ranked in NIRF, AISHE

(ISO 9001:2015 Certified )

NAAC Report on NSS 2017-2018

Eye-Check-up Programme was organised by NSS unit  of  Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College , Kolkata on 15/09/2017, at Tajsporting club  Slum area, ward no 94,Lakegardence . With the help of:


No of   NSS Volunteer:

1. Debanjana Debnath   7980712171

2. Prasun Mandal          7003079646

3. Sanju Das                    9804175117

4. Riya Biswas                7439067038

5. Tapash Naskar              7003282267

6. Dipankar Dhali              6397221059

7. Babli dey Sarkar           6290564748

8. Somnath Bhowmik       7980742321

9. Arijit Dey                       9123080472

10. Somnath Ray              8777538133

“Plastic ree Awareness Campaign” on 15th june 2017 to inform the local communities of Taj-sporting club Ward no-94, Lake Gardens, about the ill-effects of Plastic waste pollution on Environment and Human health.

No of   NSS Volunteer:

1.RUMA PAUL 9748566036

2. AVISHEK MONDAL 6291637898

3. ATASHI MONDAL 9330109887

4. APARNA NASKAR 7044183010

5. Tapash Naskar   7003282267

6. Dipankar Dhali      6397221059

7. Babli dey Sarkar    6290564748

8. Somnath Bhowmik   7980742321

9. Arijit Dey    9123080472

10. Somnath Ray    8777538133

11. Debanjana Debnath   7980712171

12. Prasun Mandal    7003079646

13. Sanju Das        9804175117

14. Riya Biswas       7439067038.

15. Debanjana Debnath   7980712171

16. Prasun Mandal          7003079646

17. Sanju Das                    9804175117

18. Riya Biswas                7439067038

A health Checkup Camp was organised by NSS unit  of  Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College , Kolkata on 24/05/2018, at Tajsporting club  Slum area, ward no 94,Lakegardence . With the help of: KPC medical College and Hospital.

No of   NSS Volunteer:

1. SOUMITRA ROY    9330789347

2. HIMADRI MRIDHA  8016826408

3. PAPIYA GHOSH    7980741002

4. SORMILI MONDAL 8337043941

5. BISWANATH MONDAL 7003174692

6. Dipankar Dhali      6397221059

7. Babli dey Sarkar    6290564748

8. Somnath Bhowmik   7980742321

9. Arijit Dey    9123080472

10. Somnath Ray    8777538133

11. Debanjana Debnath   7980712171

12. Prasun Mandal    7003079646

13. Sanju Das        9804175117

14. Riya Biswas       7439067038.


Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.